The Search For London’s Best Bakery

We love ‘Top 10’ lists as much as anyone. Whether it’s ‘London’s Best Bakery,’ ‘London’s Hidden Gems,’ or ‘London’s Viral Bakeries,’ we’re clicking on that link! But that’s not to say we’re never a little, well, disappointed with the choices. While we accept the point of ‘Best’ lists is to be a little controversial (or, to put it another way, drive digital readership), we wonder how much effort has been put into compiling the list in the first place.

We’re wondering whether, sometimes, they’re all a little too ‘samey.’ While there’s good reason to regularly include some familiar names (for example, Layla, Cedric Grolet (above), Qima, and Fortitude would all (shamelessly) appear on every list of ours), too often, bizarre items from unremarkable places appear repeatedly. Is this a case of the Emperor’s New Clothes syndrome?

Of course, there’s no accounting for taste, but we often feel some true artisans of London’s baking scene are being overlooked in the rush to score hits. Frequently, the ‘best’ bakery is the one nearest your home. The bakery that does its thing and does it well – without the need to feel hopelessly hip, on-trend, or viral.

Ultimately, the best way to find your own ‘best bakery,’ or discover a real ‘hidden gem,’ is to get out and walk London’s beautiful streets.


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